Somater, champion of the local economy

SOMATER j'entreprends en VBA

The Somater site at Marolles-Lès-Saint-Calais is being promoted as part of the “J’entreprends en VBA” communications campaign organized this month by the Communauté de Communes des Vallées de la Braye et de l’Anille (CCVBA).

Whether through ads in the local magazine, posters on buses, posts on social networks or video reports, the campaign features entrepreneurs and managers who inspire success.

In this respect, Stéphanie Segura, the site’s Quality Director, is a strong ambassador for Somater. She embodies the dynamism of local managers who are actively involved in the region’s industrial development.

In the video available here, Stéphanie explains Somater’s business and its challenges. She also talks about her personal story and how she was able to develop her skills to reach her current position. Her journey illustrates the company’s commitment to nurturing talent and promoting professional fulfillment.

Many thanks to Stéphanie for her commitment and to the CCVBA for this excellent initiative.