Momentum of solidarity at Plastuni Normandie

Feetweek Clarins

Plastuni Normandie responded to the sporting and solidarity challenge recently launched by Clarins to its suppliers in support of the Arthritis foundation.

Walking, running, jumping, moving… whatever the way, the challenge was to keep the body moving to accumulate the greatest number of steps for a week.

Results: Plastuni finished 11th overall out of 36 suppliers. Among the 5 Plastuni teams competing, one is ranked 22nd out of 232 teams. And as regards the individual ranking, let us note the exceptional performances of Amélie Delhon and Cédric Guelle who finish 2nd and 5th respectively out of a total of 938 participants.

Congratulations and a big thank you to all those who spared no effort in proudly flying the colors of SOMATER! 😊… and who thereby actively contributed to funding research into the treatment of joint diseases.